• American Tribal at Latin Force

    American Tribal at Latin Force

    Welcome to the American tribal groups with Mirela Ryasheva, co-founder of the Tribal dance society K Dance Community! Extremely rich and influential style, mixed with magic, elegance and mystery!

    American tribal is a style that mixes Flamenco, Oriental, Indian and North African dances. A group improvisational dance in which participants share a common vocabulary of movements, combinations and related signs. Through them and according to certain rules, the group dances in sync without the need for a choreography.

     Hall 6 (near Mall of Sofia)
    Schedule: Thursday from 18:30 – 19:30h
    Address: Sofia, 2 Osogovo Str. (near Mall of Sofia, opposite to Vazrazhdane Park).
    Map and photos of the hall.

     Hall 2 (Pliska)
    Schedule: Sunday from 18:30 – 19:30h
    Address: Sofia, 12 Tsarigradsko shosse Blvd., former cinema Iztok (above Billa), opposite to Pliska. Map and pictures of the hall.

    ❗️ You can join the groups at any time without pre-booking!

    Price for a single visit – 9 leva, with a monthly card for 4 visits – 32 leva. No extra charge with a MultiSport card.

    Wear comfortable clothes. We dance barefoot or with socks. No previous dance experience is required. There are no age restrictions.

    The classes will teach the basics of this style – proper posture, basic slow and fast movements, rules for improvisation. You will learn how to use the language of this dance, how to lead and follow dance formations and improvise with the other dancers in the group. You will also improve your posture, coordination, flexibility and sensuality, you will build strength, confidence and better self-assurance, you will observe the magic of communication and expression through dance!

    Given the current situation, it is important to know that we have taken all necessary measures to ensure your health and safety! You can read more about them HERE

    For questions and more information, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at latinforcebg@gmail.com or call the following phone numbers:

    • +359 88 7437375 – Zahari
    • +359 88 8224163 – Ina

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